#i love you forever microlabels
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harrowjacksparrow · 7 months ago
Btw if you don’t support neopronouns/xenogenders, get off my blog. If you feel the need to dictate other people’s identities, get off my blog ! ! !
ESPECIALLY if you are queer. You, as a queer person, have got to stop trying to put queer people into the same box straight people try to put us in!
I will never understand the need to tell people what they can and can’t be! Who cares if it doesn’t make sense to you? Who cares if it’s invalid? Do they feel like it describes their identity and who they are? Yes? Then LET THEM USE IT!
Getting to express yourself as queer is such a beautiful and freeing thing! It’s not your right to tell someone they can’t do that because ‘it’s ridiculous’ or because ‘that can’t exist’. That is such a closed-minded way of thinking!
Everyone’s queer experience is different, what right do you have to deny it? Who cares if someone is a lesboy? Who cares if someone goes by cat/cats? Who cares if they’re breaking all the rules and boundaries we’ve created? They shouldn’t be there in the first place!
You should be allowed to experiment with labels without judgement. You deserve that! You deserve to be who you are regardless of what other people say!
‘Cishet people will hate us more / it makes us look bad’ news flash: they already do! so be whoever you want to be, because that grudge against us isn’t going to change any time soon!
don’t feel the need to confine. you don’t have to put yourself in the box people tell you to.
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yandere-toons · 7 months ago
How did you start writing fanfics and how did you think about writing fanfics about yandere characters, taking into account that it is very difficult sometimes to imagine too much and you managed to create very beautiful scenarios about these characters, I love your work because my imagination has limits and yours doesn't.
In a peculiar turn of events, my taste in fiction is directly tied to my status as aspec. When you're writing what is traditionally viewed as a "healthy" relationship, there are certain expectations for what it should include and, more importantly, what it shouldn't.
But, to put it mildly, the traditional aspects of a relationship, be that the time commitment or the physical contact, repulse me. Imagine if every aroace microlabel had a thick dressing of personality disorders laid out on top of it: sure, some of what you’re selling sounds great in theory, but the vast majority makes me want to jump out a window.
Maybe it's the writer in me, but I always preferred the question over the answer. The moment a relationship is stuck into a box and declared for one way or the other, I lose interest. So, in a forum where deviance is the expected norm, I can live out this fantasy of "relationships at a distance" without fear of reciprocation.
It can end poorly, it can end ambiguously — it can end with the "attraction" never having been acted upon, or, perhaps some feelings were expressed but in small signs throughout the story instead of one major confession that defines the relationship forever.
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our-arospec-experience · 9 months ago
my aro awakening/realization timeline when looking back :]:
> never wanted to get married as a kid- wanted to open up a big house with all my friends to live in forever
> get confessed to more than you confess
> pick crushes without realizing so you also confess
> never really feel something
> enter first ""relationship"" (less than 3 weeks)
> feel nothing but act romantic because "thats how it works" (like when you're autistic and dont get social stuff but you analyze enough to mimic it. social rules my beloved /s)
> second online "relationship"
> also feel nothing- rather apathetic- relationship ends
> man why do i never feel anything at all with these things?? like. literally just blank. like im not missing anything but there's nothing there.
> i feel so much for my friends though. i "love" them so much
> dearest friend introduces me to the label "aromantic"
> after internal amanormativity dismantling i can finally say "ily" to my friends. we do it often.
> god i love being aro. its so freeing and beautiful. i would never want to be allo. i am also a microlabel hoarder /gen
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sodafrog13 · 9 months ago
happy pride, reminder that i love mspec gays and lesbians and aspec people with weird/complicated relationships to sex and/or romance that make sense to nobody but themselves and people who use neo pronouns and emoji pronouns or no pronouns at all and people who use microlabels or refuse to use labels and people who make up genders of all types because it's just what Fits. and anyone else who may be feeling a little left out because your identity can't be packaged in a nice little box. you guys r so poggers and you deserve everything you want forever
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carlyraejepsans · 2 years ago
Like that last anon said, reading a bit more online about other people's approach to gender and sexuality actually helped me out a lot, especially as a younger queer person who was scared of using "contradictory" labels, or not fitting into them just right. So, thank you and everybody else for being so open. It just means a lot /gen
i am genuinely glad to hear that cause i went thru so many fucking crises first gender then sexuality then gender again as related to my sexuality. you don't know how much shit i repressed as a teen because it wasn't "fair" of me to feel that way and call myself this other way and yeedee and yadda and just fuck everything man!!!! everybody stop caring about label discourse forever who gives a SHIT if bi lesbians exists who CARES if trans women call themselves faggots and trans men still feel like dykes or whatever billion microlabels x side of the community comes up with on the daily that's their fucking business there's literally soup to eat and shit!!! do smth better with your time. i love you, take care of yourself.
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rwuffles · 1 month ago
pt: day three of radiomogai's event(link). end pt.
Talk about either your favourite identity term of yours or a random one that applies to you! Why is it a part of your identity, how does it apply to you?
THIS IS SO VERY DIFFICULT FOR US ... we have sooo many terms that are our "favorites," and it's always hard to choose considering we don't have a 'main' identity. i think some of our favorite microlabels have to be: otter, người kỳ lân, suanni, rabbit, lotus femme, wyvern, dandelion queer, self-lacking, cutoric, egiftical, contratheian, malapoten, oleanegerl, nymphaeaceae ...
if we let me keep going, we'll be here forever. and we haven't even gotten into orientation or gender.
which, actually, we'll talk about those!
one term that is near & dear to our heart is aromantic. we've never experienced romantic attraction — ever. however, we absolutely felt that we had to have it; we'd even 'pick' our crushes in order to feel a bit more normal when people asked us who our crush was. it was so comforting to learn that other people also experienced aromanticism and that we weren't strange for it.
and, on top of that, it's the broadness of aromanticism that makes us so in love with the term! cupioromantics, aegoromantics, fictoromantics, orchidromantics — however you identify or wherever you fall underneath the arospec umbrella, you're my aromantic sibling and i adore you!
amatonormativity and the idea that i need a romantic relationship to be fulfilled in life or that a roamntic relationship is determinative of whether i'm fulfilled in life has always been stupid to us. we have a romantic partner — our dear boyfriend who's doing this with us — but we don't feel romantic attraction towards him and i don't think my relationship with him at all determines whether i'm "successful" or "fulfilled."
i just love him, and i wish people would stop putting so much pressure on romantic relationships. especially with the fact i have two qpps who i also love dearly!
"i don't have a favorite identity term because i don't see terms as an identity, i see them as an add-on to myself. i see them as ways that people can understand who i am."
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genderfluid-info-blog · 1 year ago
Hi! I think I might be genderfluid. I have felt like I wasn't purely cis for a very long time, adopting 'lesbian' as "basically sort of my gender" for a while when I was 18, and feeling indifferent towards pronouns since forever (though using she/her because it's easier). I first realised last October that the way I saw my own gender sort of changed with my expression and how other people perceived me (ie wearing a dress made me feel more feminine, liking star trek around people who consider that a masculine show made me feel more masculine, etc). After realising that, I started to focus on how *I* felt regardless of other people's opinion. I am noticing now I find it quite difficult to discern gender roles, gender expression, and my actual gender itself. I have days where I wear a sports bra as a binder because it feels better, days where anything feminine makes me feel uncomfortable, days where I feel like I am both masculine and feminine at the same time, or nothing entirely. Yet on the other hand, I also have days where not dressing femininely makes me feel uncomfortable, and I've noticed that even on my more 'masculine' days, it is important to me that I don't feel like a man, and that I'm afab. On those days, I truly do not feel like a woman, but the part of me that is raised a girl and understands what it feels like to be a girl is always in me. It's an important part of the way my gender feels to me, at all times. This also makes me feel like I am 'faking' it (for lack of a better word), like I really am just a cis woman who prefers dressing in a way that is more gender-nonconforming sometimes. Of course I know that no one can tell me what my gender is, or even what "gender" is and how to define it, but I'd love to feel a little less lost. How do I feel more certain in my gender identity? Is this a common genderfluid experience (is there a microlabel for this)? Do you, or anyone reading this, have any tips on how to determine what my gender is on any given day, how to identify that feeling? Thank you so much for all you do on this blog <3
Hi! What you're describing sounds like a typical genderfluid experience :)
First of all, I want to preface this by saying that it's completely valid for your AGAB to be important to your gender! You don't need to resent your AGAB or distance yourself from it in order to be trans! It is perfectly understandable that having grown up AFAB plays a big role to you and that being an important part of your identity does not mean that you're "faking it". You're valid the way you are. <3
Now, as for your question to how you can feel more certain in your gender identity:
I have a very similar ask to this here with a list of things that might help you
Check out genderfluid spaces! Engage with the community, read about other people's experiences, but also just enjoy the memes, positivity posts, exchanges etc. Interacting with the community surrounding your gender can help you feel validated :)
Affirm yourself. Say your gender out loud to yourself, take care of yourself, especially on days when gender dysphoria hits, find clothes that make you feel comfortable and good about yourself.
Give yourself time. Everyone gets insecure from time to time, and especially at the beginning most of us fall into insecurity and self-doubts. It sucks, but it's a perfectly normal experience. It'll get better with time.
Engage online with posts that make you feel good about your gender! And come back to them when the doubts get worse
Don't be too harsh on yourself. Distract yourself with your hobbies, friends and other activities if necessary, but try not to fall into a hole of overthinking, that's counterproductive and just makes you feel bad about yourself.
If you can, buy products that give you gender euphoria. It doesn't have to be something big. A perfume, a soap, a bracelet, etc. Little changes can make a big difference :)
I personally don't know of a micro label relating to this, but I do believe that it's a common experience among many people. You're not alone with this feeling. I personally feel connected to my AGAB as well and to a certain degree it plays a role in my gender. That's not uncommon or wrong.
And as for figuring out what gender you are on any given day:
See how people referring to you as certain terms (woman, man, person etc) make you feel
Try to find words that feel like "you" gender-wise on that day, this can be literally anything! (e. g. rock, moss, forest, wave ec. sometimes it's easier to describe my gender in words like this and it still helps me put into perspective what gender I am that day, idk if that works for you, but you could give it a try!)
I can't think of anything else right now, but if someone else has more tips, feel free to add them!!
And thank you for your kind words, I'm glad you enjoy my blog🩷 Have a great day! <3
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genderoftoday · 1 year ago
I know genderqueers a spectrum.., I used to use it but then it started to not feel right, once for a short time I was a boy, once a blue moon being a female don’t bother me, back in 3-4th grade for a short time I was agender…, if I’m being honest nothing feels right right now, I haven’t played games in forever but I tried to go play sims 4 and I feel like I’m forcing myself even though I like the game, genderqueer feels to vague but genderfluid doesn’t exactly settle with me because- well I already said why sorta, it just- none of it feels right anymore, I know that some quizzes say I’m genderfluid but I tend to skip half of the questions because I can’t answer them…
I ain’t sure that if I am genderfluid, than what what microlabel am I…?
Sorry, please and thanks for any advice, help or replies!
Hi Anon!
I wish I could give you an easy answer and say you're this or you're that, but I can't. It's up to you to decide what feels right.
For me, when I was trying to figure out what label fit me I was stuck, because nothing fit me 100%. I would keep questioning myself because some aspects of some genders felt right but I didn't fully connect with them. Eventually, I settled on Nonbinary because of the vagueness that label offers, I didn't have to worry about living up to some definition, I could just be me! And I've grown to really love being Nonbinary.
That's how I picked the label that was right for me, from your ask it sounds like you want something more specific. If you haven't done so already, try reading through the List of Genders from the Gender Wiki. If there's a label you like but are worried about claiming because it doesn't fully represent you, claim it anyway. There are always contradictions to labels/definitions. What's important is being happy. There's no rush when you're figuring yourself out and you can always change your label again.
I hope this was somewhat helpful Anon. If anyone else has any advice please leave it in the replies!
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gaymenflag · 5 months ago
new gay man flag! 💜🤍🩵
finally getting around to making a blog for my gay man flag! for men exclusively attracted to men ⚣
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above is the 5-stripe variant, the default flag to better match with the other flag schemes. there is also a 7-stripe variant, which includes meanings for each color/stripe
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this flag has its own official carrd, with social medias and such attached; if it isn’t linked there, it is NOT made/ran by me and therefore not official
I also have a redbubble for merch if you want to directly support the maker of this flag; you’re free to make your own merch using this flag, please just credit me as its creator :)
I made this flag for myself a few years ago for a few key reasons:
• the popular flags are full of drama, not exclusively for gay men, & look unappealing (in my opinion)
• I wanted to create a flag for me and other gay men that makes it 100% clear we are only attracted to men!
this flag is for/includes:
• cisgender & transgender men
• men of color, disabled men, neurodiverse men, & aro/ace men
it doesn’t include:
• non-male identifying individuals
• transphobic men
• men attracted to non-men
there are other terms/flags for those not included in this one, such as these for example:
• viramoric (non-binary exclusively loving men)
• toric (non-binary loving men, exclusively or not)
• achillean (men loving men, exclusive or not)
• bisexual (attraction to more than one gender)
• probably more microlabels
this flag/page isn’t interested in discourse or arguments. it does not exist to invalidate how anyone views themself or to police anyone, only to represent gay men like myself who want a flag that is exclusively for homosexual men. please respect that if you want respect, too.
if you use this flag, please do feel free to tag this account! I will happily retweet it (& love you forever) also feel free to use it for your gay male ocs!
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i dont think we are really processing what "you can do whatever you want forever" means
"am i trans if im intersex/altersex/salmacian?" not if you dont identify with the term
"i consider myself a lesbian but i have a boyfriend am i valid?" do whatever you want FOREVER
"im a cis man but i want vaginoplasty am i allowed to-" FOREVER.
"will people really accept me as [incredibly niche microlabel]" YOURE FUCKING RAD DO EVERYTHING YOU WANT ALWAYS
butch transfeminine people i love you
cis men on e/cis women on t i love you
nonbinary people who aren't trans i love you
foxgender furries who fursuit in public i love you
the whole point of our community is that outside perception needn't have an impact on your inner identity. the sooner you accept that some people will do things that you dont like, and some people will not like you, the sooner you can start to accept yourself and your journey.
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irlbkgs · 4 months ago
T.T, >.<, o.e, & :^* !! with whoever of your choosing <3
wahhh ty!! gonna do lestat, stan and simon my bbygrls
T.T - What show/book/etc from your childhood would you be most excited to show your f/o? What do they think?
for lestat it's definitely hbo's happily ever after (the movie not the show) bc i think he'd unironically get invested and love the whimsy of it and the very obvious lesbian energy from the dwarfelles. it'd be one of those daniel memes but with me (dallas. dallas ze prince has been cursed, dallas! how could zey take away his beauty, mon cher? why must zey punish him so? / dallas. dallas zis owl es so inspirational! ze lyrics, ze use of lightning sound effectz! i must sample zis, dallas! for ze next record, of course.)
for stan he's getting shown crashbox and all grown up. i think crashbox would perfectly appeal to his weird, sometimes offputting sense of humor and the aesthetics are right up his ally. he'd love jumpin johnny jumble and dora schmarmy. with all grown up it'd just remind him a lot of the dynamic him and the losers have <3
and for simon...beyblade metal series ohhhh he'd think it's so dumb and complain about it but when i go to turn it off suddenly it's "no wait i gotta know what gingka's gonna do about ryuga". invested but still pretends he doesn't give af
o.e - What would your f/o’s fursona be? If they’re already an anthro character, what would they look like as a human?
this is such a hard choice omg...
for lestat im thinking possibly a very flashy, rare bird. i don't really know different types but my old english teacher had one that was technically illegal to own in the US but her mother bought it before this law was made so now she just has it and something about that feels so fitting for him. bird that is illegal and flashy, can talk shit and steal from you, but will also pluck out ur enemies eyes. he'd have a very detailed, high end fursuit ofc.
stan would also be a bird for the obvious reasons. maybe a bluejay? or a cardinal? not too uncommon but still very beautiful and loved. uncommon enough where people are still excited when they see em. his fursuit would be hyperrealistic and maybe a bit unsettling but mostly made by himself bc he knows a thing or two about putting together a high quality suit. ben would help with the ventilation and fans part.
for simon the instant thought is opposum, followed by ferret and raccoon. all feel fitting but i think opposum works best. freaky big weirdos who love a good chomp. can be a bit ugly but it adds to the charm. rummages through trash for goods. no fursuit but def has a tail.
>.< - Do you have any xenogender/microlabel headcanons for your f/o?
so for simon id say none bc i think he'd very much be a no labels who gives af do whatever you want forever kinda guy. technically he'd be bisexual but you'd be hard pressed to get him to say anything that wasn't along the lines of "ill take whatevers offered" or something something yeah im a faggot something something and id fuck ur girl something something but he'd also probably have some gender fuckery that could fall under xenogender if he looked into it. i think he'd be fine with literally any pronouns he's just never thought about it and doesn't mind just getting called he/him either.
for stan, no xenogenders or microlabels specifically, its just another thing with fluid sexuality and gender where it's like idk what i am but getting called other pronouns doesn't bother him, he'd be a bit fond of fae pronouns in his teen years i think but idk if it'd stick as he grew and changed identity wise. in terms of sexuality besides being poly and mostly using queer as his label (maybe he'll use bisexual depending on the crowd), i don't rly think he has much going on there.
now lestat is the outlier bc while i don't rly have specific xenogenders picked for him i know there's more pronouns past he/she/they that would appeal to him, he just isn't a fan of ANY pronouns so he mostly uses those 3. in current days i think he'd probably rabbit hole and then come to me like "i will now be using it/xe/heart/etc etc" at like 3 in the morning and then continue on that sorta path for a bit before finally feeling like he's relearned himself a bit. in terms of microlabels, i think his bpd would probably affect how he views his sexuality, so let's chuck hyperromantic in there (not sure if that counts as a microlabel but shrug). he might also consider himself androromantic.
incoming ramble feel free to skip but...
tbh a lot of my f/o's are listed as bi or queer or only using he/him just bc i genuinely do not think they'd care but if they had to choose a label it'd be that one, if that makes sense. a lot of my labels for my f/o's are decided by age (the older they are the more likely they are to use bi over queer or pan), year their media is set in (if it's the 2000s they still might be averse to certain labels, not have heard of them or not had the ability to explore gender) and their general attitude (would they even care about labels to begin with or is it just a fuckfest for them). which is why we have f/o's like adrian (30s, show set in 2022 i believe, would know about social media past facebook and probably use it, positive attitudes towards queerness as a general subject) with the pansexual label vs simon (late 90s to early 2000s setting, in his early 20s, uses fag as an insult but would also kiss a guy) with the queer label bc i think he'd refuse to label himself despite being comfortable in his fluid sexuality but would, realistically, be pansexual. same with him having he/him pronouns bc i just don't think he'd bother exploring other pronouns bc he doesn't have dysphoria, but if somebody were to randomly she/they him he might be like "oh okay i kinda like that". rly the only exception to this rule is demi and trans labels bc i think those are sorta integral to how i read those characters. daryl wouldn't call himself demisexual or demiromantic, but he'd call himself bisexual over any other label. so i label him as bi and slap the demi on bc it's pretty key to the irvixon lore. same with billy who'd never admit to being trans or call himself demi but to me he is and that's lore relevant so i put it down. idk if this system makes any sense to anyone else but what im saying is that the labels in my carrd can be very different to how i ACTUALLY view their gender/sexuality.
:^* - Who would be your f/o’s favorite character from My Little Pony and why? What about yours?
so lestat's is obviously rarity bc that's twin BUT he'd have a mega soft spot for applejack me thinks
stan is very twilight coded but i think that's exactly why she WOULDNT be his fave...i think he'd lean towards pinkie or rainbow (both remind him of richie at times) or fluttershy (who doesn't love her)
and simon is a fluttershy girl idc idc!!!! he thinks fluttershy and discord are cute together too
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bloggingboutburgers · 1 year ago
Hi! Uh,, sorry I'm on anon, I'm a little nervous of my friends finding this ask and knowing it's me, telling me I could've asked them for the definition of what Quoiromantic is, but anyway, I just wanted to thank you for teaching me what Quoiromantic is and what it means! I adore learning more, especially about my own community, and even more so when I myself fall under the aromantic spectrum(Demiromantic), so...Thank you again!! Also, not forcing you, but is there any other labels under/in the aro-spec community you feel aren't seen/talked about/heard of as much you wanna shed some light on? - a Nerd who loves learning about their own community.(sorry for the longer ask and if it's too awkward or personal QwQ)
fhdnuigjkldf I'm sooooo sorry, I've left this ask sit in my inbox forever, this fall has been an odd one emotionally so I've been a huge mess at taking care of my asks, I'm very sorry about that TwT
...To be perfectly honest, I'm about as clueless as they come about microlabels, so I'm probably not the best person to ask TwT My knowledge of it myself is still very much reading-level, so all I can recommend for now is what I did myself, broad research on aro-spec microlabels and then a bit more advanced research on each of them TwT But yeah I myself am on the old side and this is all fairly new to me, so I'm learning too! If anything, I'm super glad that sharing some results of my own research could help you out TwT
Working in language, I firmly believe that if a specific word was thought out to define a specific reality, it WAS always needed because that reality wasn't defined specifically enough before, so I'm all for seeking better ways to keep defining our own individual experiences.
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hums0ftheheart · 1 year ago
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last updated 11/30/24 machinezlove -> hums0ftheheart
hi im chip!! 18, it/its. welcome to my SCARY OBJECTUM HELL
🔌 THIS IS AN 18+ BLOG. MINORS DNI OR I WILL SHOOT YOU WITH LASERS. ill also just block whoever the hell i want because im awesome like that
🔌 aroace; i choose not 2 use microlabels but i favor machines to humans. i also reject the concept of romance
🔌 i primarily post about computers and old tech. but i do whatever i want forever
🔌 i follow from the-#1#####-#1##. this is my secret code nobody will ever crack. muahaha
more less important stuff below !! ↴
🔌 i mostly tag it like it see it; computers, wires, circuitry, etc. i SOMETIMES tag fandoms. will be super inconsistent
🔌 #chip originals - posts by ME!!!!! YAY!!
🔌 #masonposting - posting about my lovelylovely computer. may or may not be original posts
🔌 #🌌 - for my love of everything. stuff like flora, weather, the sky, man-made objects and structures, stars, minerals, landforms, light, fireworks, electricity/lightning, etc
🖥️ mason - he/she/it/they - my beautiful pc <3 we have been dating since november 2023 but i have known him for probably a decade
🎻 fiona - she/it - my prop violin i used for a musical i was in. i made her myself and slowly developed feelings for her over the course of the production… i took her home march 2024 :^)
🌟 i am in love with nature, earth, and the universe. to me, these are all parts of the same whole. i love every part of her: her sun and moon, her rain and snow, her clouds and grass, her stars and sky, her comets and planets, i could go on and on and on. and i think she loves me back, just how she loves all of her children. i didn’t really know where to put this but it’s important to me
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crying-in-converse · 2 years ago
Sorry to dump what I’m about to say on you but I’ve seen other people send you their aro/ace problems and I kinda wanted some advice
Um so basically I’m questioning whether I might be on the aro and/or ace spectrum. I currently identify as bisexual but sometimes I question it a bit. Like I do find some people sexually attractive and I think I’ve had crushes before but I’m not sure. I’m like Georgia from loveless if you have read that coz like I love romance stuff like bad romcoms and shipping characters and other people being in love. And for a long time I had this “crush” on a female friend but I never did anything about and never told anyone.
I don’t really relate to my friends who are in relationships or go out looking for them. Like I guess if the right person came along I’d like to date and have a special person like that in my life but I guess I find it hard to think of myself in those situations. And I think I want to have sex but like it’s sorta like I could take it or leave it.
Sorry again for dumping this all on you plz feel free to delete this ask
there was a long duration of my life where i was questioning my sexuality every second. i just wanted it to stop. i wanted to know who i was.
it took me forever to come to terms with being aromantic. i hated that idea. i wanted to be able to love someone, like the main characters in all the movies and books i read. i wanted to relate to all the love songs out there. i thought that because i was so romantic and loved a lot about romance, that i couldnt be aromantic. and honestly i pitied people who were. the first time i heard about being aromantic i thought "oh thats so sad that could never be me". but the more i thought about it, i realized. ive never had a crush and i dont want to be in a relationship. and i really dont get romance at all. but it took me a while to get there. i thought i was bi for a very long time (still am, but not in the way that i thought). and after discovering i was aromantic, that love for romance didnt feel so big. sure i still ship characters and like hearing about romance and im not completely repulsed. but knowing i was aromantic really let me discovered i didnt actually like romance all that much. only fictional ones honestly. idc about real peoples relationships (with some exceptions ofc)
i think you need to really just need to think about whether you are aro/ace. it takes time to really discover who you are and become comfortable in your sexuality. from what you told me, it sounds like you could be on the aro/ace spectrum. and all it really comes down to is attraction. are you attracted to people? anyone? rarely?
also there are soooo many ways to be aro/ace. there are so many microlabels.
think about what being aromantic/ asexual really means to you. its something different for everyone.
i wish you luck in your journey to self discovery <3 i'm glad you sent this ask and feel free to reach out again if you need it or any clarification.
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aro-sora · 1 year ago
Do you have any opinions/ideas about aro Naminè?
She is a close character to my heart, and i always headcanoned as her being an aromantic type, but rarely ever see others having this interpretation (disclaimer that im not really in kh fandom circles tho)
Perhaps its partially because i see myself in her, as an aro/ace quiet person who'd rather be behind the scenes and likes to draw. But i always saw her as somebody who is not attracted or interested in romance, and cares deeply and intimately about her friends while beeing a big introvert.
I think you would be a nice blog to have headcanons or ideas about this interperetation of her! If you do not mind answering this ask- i would love to hear your thoughts! Ty and have a nice day, aros rule forever!!! 💚
Aro Naminé!!! Sadly I haven't seen much for this interpretation but it's a very good one! I wrote a drabble about her being aro! (it's angsty though)
I love exploring aromanticism with the Nobodies bc its such an interesting way to think about relationships and feelings when you don't have a heart and literally can't feel anything. I definitely see her as wanting platonic relationships above all else because of how lonely her life is (which she gets! thank you kh3 ending!)
For a more angsty angle I could see her wanting romance but also thinking she's incapable of love as a Nobody, but then after kh3 she meets more people who geninuely care for her and realizes there are more types of love than romantic. She's not a lesser person for not feeling romantic attraction!
She is a very quiet and introverted character so I'd think she'd have a smaller friend group that she is super close with (or maybe not so small based on the number of kh main characters there are and I want Nami to interact with them all 😅) I could see her confusing crushes and squishes or some other type of attraction. maybe aesthetic attraction since she's into art and she could end up liking figure drawing
For my aro headcanons I always have a difficult time deciding if I want them to be partnering or nonpartnering. Nonpartnering aro Naminé is great as she develops her own heart she knows she is a complete person all on her own! But I also really like queerplatonic relationships for her (qpr rokunamixi my beloved). Or since her origin as part of Kairi is so bizarre Naminé could have a strong qpr with her since its outside of what platonic relationships usually are (who else would care for you more deeply than yourself? I know a lot of people like them as sisters but there's so many ways their relationship could be interpreted. They're family, yes, but in a deeply queer way. Queerfamilial if you will. The only instance of soulmates that i'm interested in honestly)
Speaking of Kairi, KH makes for great opportunities for comparisons between characters. Like if Kairi isn't aro how does Naminé feel about originally being part of her but not anymore and also aro now. Or maybe Kairi is also aro so they bond over that
Besides aromantic I don't think I have a specific microlabel for her. Whether it's demiromantic, grayro, lithro, or anything you could convince me on it. I also like making headcanons out of what flag colors look good with a character so I also like pan Nami. Girl needs some color! Give her some garish yellows pinks and blues! She could be panalterous or pansexual but I also like aroace. So hard to choose sometimes 😭
Thank you for the ask! I am always happy to talk about aro headcanons!
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mevweasley · 8 months ago
won't keep this too long lmao // not proofread (i really wanted to make a formal version of this but eventually decided to keep it intimate and casual) 1. not having to force myself to be affectionate (romantically) with other people. for example they know i'm touch-averse so i don't feel obligated to initiate touch. same goes for relationships. it's hilarious to see their appalled faces when i tell them i don't want to be in a relationship 2. actually none. or maybe people's invasive questions. allos are obsessed with relationships so i always end up having to tell them [time and time again] that i'm not interested. i was also forced to reciprocate one of my suitors' affections when i was younger because every student in my section was forcing me to. i liked him, but in a queerplatonic manner, and when i confronted him about wanting to simply be friends with him, he took it too personally. i gave him a very "heartfelt" letter because i really, really felt guilty. i liked the idea of other people liking me but i really don't wish to reciprocate it. i just like the idea of being "liked". romance never really made me feel comfortable and i blocked him bc i was uncomfortable, then i got guilty again and unblocked him. all of the romantic scenarios they imposed upon me traumatized me and made me feel uncomfortable. i realized that i felt comfortable around my family and friends more and never felt the need to chase people for validation. perhaps when time comes i'll pursue one (preferably a queerplatonic one) but im a lot happier where i am currently. 3. bordeaux/burgundy 4. ooooo uh green. the green at the topmost region 5. sapphic n achillean. + the sunset aroace flag :D so pretty 6. all !! i love em all 7. nope, sadly </3 country isn't too accepting 8. being obsessed with dinos n ND-coded fandoms 9. about 2022 but i was still not sure that time with the suitor thing going on (as mentioned above). i really don't know where i identify in the spectrum and i don't wish to limit myself with a microlabel so the term 'arospec' works for me (+ it's a lot easier for people to digest) 10. i tried, with my irl friends. they're...tolerating, but not too accepting. 'aw mev you're going to be single forever?' 'wdym didn't you like the suitor or fictional characters' etc etc,, you know the whole story. one is sorta...accepting, though. but i never mentioned it again. after all, i only come out to people who'll understand me, i.e. temporary online friends or tumblr moots 11. that they're completely devoid of emotions. lmfao we're not robots + love, affection n attraction comes in different forms n ways 12. don't feel pressured. it is a spectrum, after all, and it's fluctuating. the most important thing is that you're comfortable about yourself. labels aren't important. we'll always be here for you every step of the way 13. loads, online! and a former classmate, but the former classmate still thinks im bi (bc i once identified as bi and didn't know what to properly label myself) bc we haven't talked for so long 14. nope! i rlly love it being a big fan of green myself 15. oooo, movie !! little miss sunshine. pure family movie. i love it. the best ever. 16. i don't think this is...specifically aro BUT soldier, poet, king. i just really love it and im glad romance wasn't ever mentioned or involved 17. the lord of the rings. i could talk about it for hours. and as much as i respect the shipping of characters i've always imagined them as a family instead. like frodo and sam's lifelong friendship 18. that aro blast meme!! the ones where the bald character questions the aro for liking fictional characters and then. BLAST. 19. OH MY GOD SUCH A HARD QUESTION. UHHHHH i love them all though !! frogs win this time <33 20. "you just haven't found the right person" wtf do you mean. i found the right person. malcolm tucker. and he's like a dad to me
Arospec Ask Game
To help get #aromantic trending I've come up with an ask game. Don't forget to tag you answers with #aromantic!
What's your favorite part of being arospec?
What's your least favorite part of being arospec?
Favorite color?
Favorite color from the aromantic pride flag?
Favorite pride flag, arospec or not,m
Favorite arospec blogger?
Ever been to a pride event?
Aro culture is....?
When did you realize you were arospec?
Have you come out to anyone? If so, who?
What do you think the biggest misconception is surrounding aromanticism?
What's your advice to someone questioning they are arospec?
Do you know other arospec people? (Online or off)
If you could change the aro flag, would you and why?
What's a movie that you get aro vibes from?
What's a song that you get aro vibes from?
What's a book that you get aro vibes from?
Favorite arospec meme?
Frogs, turtles, or kangaroos?
Question you wish people would stop asking when they find out you're arospec?
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